Beware: A Far-Right Disinformation Campaign is Underway in Seattle.


Something is rotten in Seattle. Fascists have taken to the streets of the U-District in what can only be named an “all out propaganda war.” Most of this propaganda takes the form of The Right Stuff and Identity Evropa posters and even some Graffiti marking territory for the American Renaissance group. Such has been the case since at least last spring.

More recently, however, local anti-fa and anti-racist’s have spotted posters claiming to be  propaganda from the Emerald City Antifacists.


Here is another example:


It’s very important that if you see an “antifa” poster, but it looks suspicious, let your local antifa know. Send a message to Em City Antifa on their facebook page. Let us know on our Twitter @SeattleAntifa or U-District Antifa know @UDistrictAntifa.

If the poster says anything promoting or advocating violence, please tear it down! This is most certainly a false flag(the far right is clearly obsessed with false flags on so many levels!). If the poster says anything anti-working class, take it down.

The history of right-wing false flags and counter-information and all-around “dirty tricks” is long and storied. From COINTELPRO to Operation Gladio.  Be vigilante!

One more word. although we whole-heartedly agree with the statement “Abolish the White Race”, contextually, we do not advocate this be done violently- or even physically. “Race” is a Social Construct and we only wish to “abolish” the “white” “race” insofar as it is an illusuroy and arbitrary social construct with no basis in biology or even ancient history.

The above poster is clearly fake because it implies this project is a violent one, by picturing an antifa with a bat. That’s not how the white “race” is abolished. That’s how we knew, right away, this was a fake.

In Struggle,
The Action Front Collective

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