Action Front! Demands the Resignation of KUOW’s Bill Radke for Platforming a NAZI on Public Radio

Vile Nazi Enabler Bill Radke


This week on KUOW’s The Record, host Bill Radke aired a conversation with the Nazi who got knocked out by a POC in downtown Seattle.

This was an incredibly dangerous thing for BIll to do and it took him days to apologize and only after the community unleashed it’s collective outrage! We don’t buy Radke’s apology, the Action Front! Collective feels he only apologized because he got scared he might lose his job.

Well let’s make that fear a reality!

We demand that KUOW fire Bill Radke! No platform for NAZI’S!

Please visit KUOW’s facebook page and comment on this. Show your support for marginalized communities by joining in demanding Radke’s resignation. Also, check back here for updates on any actions we may announce in conjunction with this demand.

  1. We demand Bill Radke resign
  2. We demand his replacement with a Woman of Color, no more white males!

We Are Action Front!



Part 1 of the Action Front Collective (anti)Manifesto

We are entering a new climate of Total Revolution. That is, either we pursue Total Revolution or we fail. There is no such thing as a partial revolution or a gradual revolution or a revolution in “stages.”

Firstly, we must dispel some common myths(To long-time pro-revolutionary comrades, excuse us a we go over some basics):

  1. Under the present system of Total Capitalism, i.e Real Subsumption. Does any pro-revolutionary truly believe we can win through the electorate? That the system will allow anything remotely dangerous or threatening to gain power through a election. that they’d just shake our hands and hand over the keys to the house without dirty tricks? Without a fight?

  2. Will any organization which owns property, P.O boxes, collects dues, has a bank account and publicly listed “officers” and utilizes “democracy” to organize it’s affairs be able to carry out a revolution given point #1? Would the system allow a truly revolutionary organization to simple utilize it’s postal system, it’s property regime, it’s banks and public squares and meeting areas to threaten itself?

Real Subsumption renders this impossible. Under Formal Subsumption, when pre-capitalist forces still controlled much of society and prevented Capital from organizing society itself for it’s own interests, yes, this was possible, but not now. Formal Subsumption was a holding pattern between pre-capitalist forms of domination and capitalist. In that moment, nearly anything was possible. Considering the vulnerability any revolutionary organization has if it operates according to point #2 what would one expect if they were to “seize” power through an election like outlined in point #1? All the aspects which were a strength in regards to winning elections now become weaknesses once the election has been won! That is, if the state can’t undermine it beforehand.


Unfortunately, most pro-revolutionaries outside and inside the ultra-left and anarchist movement still go by the old playbooks. We seek to synthesize a New Playbook, by accepting the consequences of Real Subsumption and adjust accordingly. This is the principle of Ruthless Practicality combined with Ruthless Application of Principle.

What principles shall pro-revolutionaries ruthlessly pursue?

  • Analysis to understand the present context
  • Militancy and resources to apply analysis to Action(praxis)
  • resilience to continuously act despite all obstacles

Considering the reality of Real Subsumption/Real Domination. Considering the principles needed for any revolutionary movement to sustain itself and to succeed, what way forward? What is to be done?

Communization has shown us what we cannot do in terms of the social revolution itself. That is, how the proletariat shall reorganize(or not) a new (anti)economy. What pitfalls the workers movement(R.I.P.) succumbed to and how old revolutionary roads led to new counter-revolutionary dead-ends. Yet a truly communist analysis must take into account the past, it must sublimate and synthesize.


Our contention is that, if the historical workers’ movement is today alien to us, it is because the form of the capital–labour relation that sustained the workers’ movement no longer obtains: in the high-income countries since the 1970s and in the low-income countries since the 1980s (late workers’ movements appeared in South Africa, South Korea and Brazil, but all now present the same form: social democracy in retreat). Indeed, the social foundations on which the workers’ movement was built have been torn out: the factory system no longer appears as the kernel of a new society in formation; the industrial workers who labour there no longer appear as the vanguard of a class in the process of becoming revolutionary. All that remains of this past-world are certain logics of disintegration, and not only of the workers’ movement, but also of the capital–labour relation itself. To say so is not to suggest that, by some metric, all workers are “really” unemployed, or to deny that there is an emergent industrial proletariat in countries like India and China.

-Endotes #4, a History of Separation


graffiti saying 'words do not mean anything today'

The aims of anarchists and true communists are identical.- Johann Most

If they old workers movement was disciplined and organized in the way that worker’s were by the factory- that is, by an external force- and if this system has broken down, then it follows we can not continue as if it were operational. If order and discipline cannot, and is not, being enforced from without, by the factories, by the foreman’s and by the bosses on one end of the pole and by the union steward’s, the organizers, the communist parties on the other end, then how is society- capitalist society which produces its own gravediggers- reshaping the revolutionary subject now, under the present conditions? in the present context, in the present tense we must assume a looser and more flexible (anti?)organization and at once, a stricter discipline of ourselves as theorists and as actors.

Is it any wonder that anarchism was more present and popular in the beginnings of capitalist development only to give way to social democracy and communism as the factory system truly took hold? Compare Spain and Italy in the early 20th century to Germany and the United Kingdom at the time.


But we today are not devolving into a pre-capitalist situation! Even though the factory system has fallen apart, we haven’t devolved- we have revolved. We have cycled out of the old workers’ movement into something similar and yet at once different. Echoes of the past and glimpses of the future. In this present time of crisis and acceleration, a new synthesis of the elements of anarchism, past and present, and Marxism, past and present(even including elements of Leninism!) is required. Our new discipline will be internally imposed at the individual level rather than externally by a party as our lives are no longer disciplined by the factory floor but by internalized ideology, by spectacle- capitalist ideology.

One awaits the revolution in vain, for it is already underway. It is unnoticed by those who await it, expecting a particular sign, a ‘crisis’ releasing the vast insurrectional movement which would produce another essential sign, the formation of the party etc… Actually the disequilibrium began before May 1968 and May was its externalization, so on all levels of the total life process of capital, there are also the ‘misfirings’ which have not yet been transformed into crises in the old sense, but which allow the proletarians to destroy their domestication. The increasing loss of our real submission to capital will allow us to confront the true question of the revolution, not that of changing life, because all life has been enslaved, domesticated, misled by the existence of classes for millenia, but the creation of human life. – Camatte

Capital, in the state such as it is, destroying the planet and slowly killing itself in the process is only continuing because it has succeeded in pacifying the proletariat. Domesticating it. While in the past, the proletariat maintained its old ways and it’s own ideology and so on, and had to be domesticated by external force, by the factory clock, today this situation has been reversed. The proletariat has no mind of it’s own and yet, more personal freedom than ever- although, granted, in the double sense Marx observed.


The proletariat cannot itself come to power except by becoming the class of consciousness. The growth of productive forces cannot guarantee such power, even by way of the increasing dispossession which it brings about. A Jacobin seizure of power cannot be its instrument. No ideology can help the proletariat disguise its partial goals as general goals, because the proletariat cannot preserve any partial reality which is really its own. – Camatte

To this end, Action Front! is proposing a new strategy- we act out a new strategy! A new “Playbook”is being written by action and analysis combined. We call this new philosophy: ‘Actionism.’


Part 2: Counter-Spectacle


Check back later for part 2!



Seattle May Day Report Back

1509317113_5418209517001_5418210959001-vsYesterday was a critical defeat for anti-authoritarian/anti-racist and anti-fascist organizers in Seattle. Fascists associated with “patriot prayer” held onto Westlake Center for hours, made speeches and marched through the streets without any real opposition from Antifa. As always, the pigs showed their true colors and protected the fascists but our numbers were simply too small and we were simply to disorganized and demoralized by recent state repression and recent loses to  the fash(see battle of Berkeley and the shooting of an antifa at the UW) to no-platform the fash.


Most demoralizing of all, the fash marched throughout seattle shouting their “slogans” which undoubtedly has shaken the POC and marginalized community to it’s core.



A handful of comrades were all we could muster last night and although they were brave, defiant and militant, it wasn’t enough. Those who stepped out of line were quickly repressed by the pigs.


What happened yesterday was unprecedented in Seattle history and a serious defeat for the fores of freedom and liberation form white supremacy.

But it doesn’t end here. In fact, this is a new beginning. We need to up our game, get organized and bring fresh blood into our movement. But most of all we need to target the organizers of the fascist movement in Seattle. This is a shout to any anti-racist who has footage of Fascists or suspected Fascists who attended any of yesterdays rallies. Please send any info to or send us a message via twitter @SeattleAntifa. If you don’t have photos but have any tips or information at all, please comment here or send us a message via our contact info above.

-Action Front Collective

Everyday White Supremacy, Part 2: Craft Beer = White Supremacy

The Unbearable “Whiteness” of Craft Beer: A scene from Elysian Brewery on Cap Hill, a central node of white supremacist gentrification.

Crarft Beer = White Supremacy. Yes, you heard that right. It’s a provocation but it’s also a critical interrogation of the banality, the “everydayness,” of the forms in which white supremacy (re)produces itself within contested urban space. Space which was once a partial negation of oppression, ontologically, through it’s “otherness” by virtue of it’s “queerness” or it’s “not-whiteness.”

Capitol Hill was once a space which provided a respite from the repression faced by marginalized communities of queers in the current social formation. Nearby, in the Central District, there too, are craft Breweries. With them come hipsters. With hipsters come gentrification. Rents go up and marginalized communities are driven further south, into the suburbs as whites are attracted like flies to honey to area’s once marked as black or brown or queer.

Standard Brewing, another spear of “whiteness,” driving into the heart of Black Seattle- the Central District

The production of craft beer, in a hood, isn’t even entirely necessary. The selling(exchange) within the local grocery stores automatically marks, or signifies, a territory as being for whiteness. It represents the colonization in that it either serves the perceived tastes of the colonizer, or it attracts his money and tells him, “this is a safe space for you.” Once a local grocer or corner store begins selling craft beer, as opposed to that which signifies the “other”(Old English, Steel Reserve, Fortified Wine, etc,.) it registers itself as a colonized space for the colonizer to patronize. Thereby it realizes the “otherization” of commodities which are marked as “for” the “other.” This is the reversal of that which occurred during racist “white flight”, whereby one sign of the “browning” of a territory was the degree to which one could find malt liquor in it’s stores.

The point, however, isn’t to bring back malt liquor and throw away all the craft beer. Not at all. Craft Beer is actually quite good(if you can afford it). The point is to smash the abstraction which registers craft beer for whites and malt liquor for blacks, namely the capitalist-white-supremacist-patriarchy. To this end, however, craft beer, as both a symbol, and a material driving force behind white supremacist gentrification should be fought against in order to make it pay.

The struggle against Unkle Ike’s should be instructive here. By calling out Unlce Ike’s for what it is: White Supremacy operating in real time, any movement for liberation should also call out the breweries which have popped up all over the POC hoods, the queer zones and contested areas which form the territories of our lived, urban experience.

Action Front demands this of any brewery operating within the territory of a marginalized community:

  • Contribute toward community-controlled low income housing amounting to half the property value of the brewery
  • issue a statement of solidarity with oppressed communities
  • issue an apology and acknowledgment of your role in White Supremacy via gentrification

    – The Action Front Collective

Beware: A Far-Right Disinformation Campaign is Underway in Seattle.


Something is rotten in Seattle. Fascists have taken to the streets of the U-District in what can only be named an “all out propaganda war.” Most of this propaganda takes the form of The Right Stuff and Identity Evropa posters and even some Graffiti marking territory for the American Renaissance group. Such has been the case since at least last spring.

More recently, however, local anti-fa and anti-racist’s have spotted posters claiming to be  propaganda from the Emerald City Antifacists.


Here is another example:


It’s very important that if you see an “antifa” poster, but it looks suspicious, let your local antifa know. Send a message to Em City Antifa on their facebook page. Let us know on our Twitter @SeattleAntifa or U-District Antifa know @UDistrictAntifa.

If the poster says anything promoting or advocating violence, please tear it down! This is most certainly a false flag(the far right is clearly obsessed with false flags on so many levels!). If the poster says anything anti-working class, take it down.

The history of right-wing false flags and counter-information and all-around “dirty tricks” is long and storied. From COINTELPRO to Operation Gladio.  Be vigilante!

One more word. although we whole-heartedly agree with the statement “Abolish the White Race”, contextually, we do not advocate this be done violently- or even physically. “Race” is a Social Construct and we only wish to “abolish” the “white” “race” insofar as it is an illusuroy and arbitrary social construct with no basis in biology or even ancient history.

The above poster is clearly fake because it implies this project is a violent one, by picturing an antifa with a bat. That’s not how the white “race” is abolished. That’s how we knew, right away, this was a fake.

In Struggle,
The Action Front Collective

Fascist Alert: American Vanguard is Organizing in the North West

What’s up with all the Fascist Nazi’s in Washington State? It seems like new groups are popping up daily. Antifascists all over the Seattle Area and beyond must take note of these groups. Especially those who actually engage in street activism.

Last summer one of the newest Fascist groupsicles, American Vanguard, “counter protested” a group of nudists in Bremerton.

Here they are:


Total clowns these be. Note the use of the “Black Sun” symbol. This ancient symbol was also used by Hitler’s SS. That’s right, these guys are explicit Nazi’s and are proud of it. And they think it’s funny to make fun of and harass nudists for what they believe? These people are such boneheads I’m sure they fail to see the irony. Nazi’s never had a sense of humor and never will.

While this little “counter-protest” was very pathetic (you could only get 3 “people”, losers!), it’s quite possible that most of AV’s Washington membership are too chicken shit to show their faces in public. even censored!

American Vanguard have been behind a string of hate crimes(posting racist fliers) on university campuses across america. They’ve even made the ADL’s Hate Group List.

We fully suspect that American Vanguard will pull something off like this again. They will most likely go for an “easy target”, like a feminist march or a minor protest. Most likely outside the Seattle area to avoid Antifa. This raises the point that we need to reach out to the small towns and rural area’s of our state if we are to smash the Fascist Creep.

We also fully suspect that American Vanguard will attempt to replicate their college flyering campaign in Washington State. Again, we don’t think they have the guts to step foot into the Seattle area where our forces are active(eventually they might, but for now they likely won’t) but there are many colleges outside the Seattle area they could hit. If you are a student at one of these be vigilant and let your friends and comrades know about AV and what they are up to. Here is an example of their flyers:


We are calling on all Anti-Fascist and Anti-Racist allies to be on the look out for American Vanguard propaganda or activity.

In Struggle,
The Action Front Collective

Everyday White Supremacy- Part 1

Our world is overflowing with whiteness. White People. White “culture.” White Normativity and White Supremacy. Black and Brown Bodies face a “death by a thousand cuts” in our Capitalist White Supremacist Society.

Sometimes, it’s just the little things; like Microagressions. Microagressions are one of the primary ways by which POC Bodies are marked as “othered.” Signaled as “different.” Overt White Supremacist aggression by non-police is typically expressed in this manner- as lynching and so on is tacitly frowned upon by a slim majority of white society.

But there is also a form of microagression often overlooked. Systemic, institutional microagression. This is a non-interpersonal form. Whereas most microagressions are understood as interpersonal, this category is one which is institutional and systemic.

Here is an illustration of Institutional-Systemic Microagression:

Looking at these images, what do you see? it should be obvious! Still don’t see it? Let us spell-it-out for you:

White Normativity.

The walking man in on these pedestrian signals are white men (we could also point out the institutional sexism by the fact that it’s always a man- 100% of the time).

This everyday reminder to POC bodies that White Males are the norm- that the white man is normative- and not their bodies, by contrast. This “others” POC by marking the white male as ubiquitous and eternal- as natural and trans-historical, rather than as historically specific and contingent to a space and time. The white male is forever and always and therefore normal and natural. Against this, we communists must transgress and destroy this destructive narrative of what is “natural” and normal.

Smash White Normativity, Smash Institutional-Systemic Microagressions.

Why Milo Must be Stopped on Jan 20


The “Dangerous Faggot”(Actually, he is something else that starts with an ‘F’) will be in Seattle on January 20th. Giving a speech at the UW. Seattle Anti-Fascists and anti-racists must be there to protest this Dangerous Fascist.

The reality is, many many many, homosexuals were factory-scale murdered in the Holocaust . Think about that next time Milo talks about SJW’s being “sensitive.” Although we Seattle Antifa know, because we are students of herstory , that many gay’s were Nazi’s and fascists that’s just an signifier of the irrationality and hypocrisy of the Fascist movement.

Another strange case of gay Nazism is of course, Jack Donovan. These people are truly queer traitors.

Back to Milo:

Our demands are quite simple:

1) the UW needs to cancel this speech

2) the UW needs to apologize

3) the UW needs to pledge to spend significant amounts of money on pro-queer and pro-diversity training and education for staff and students

the Seattle Antifa of Action Front! will work tirelessly towards these ends between now and January 20th!

Anti-Fascist Organizing in Seattle and Beyond!

Police detain a protester during anti-capitalist protests following May Day marches in Seattle


Why we need a newer and younger and more vibrant anti-fascism! For Seattle and beyond!

The founding members of Action Front are working people from all over the world who call Seattle their home- including queer folx and POC. They came here and realized that even though antifa culture existed it was fairly moribund and too “white”(we think this is no coincidence but we’ll leave it at that). Then came Trump…. then came a rise in Fascist propaganda in our beloved, diverse, “queer-friendly”, and vibrant city.

The time has come for a new Anti-fascism for a new era.

the Action Front Collective (AFC) has unanimously decided to published a set of principles by which our larger organization, Action Front! is guided by. If you agree with these principles, then consider yourself an ally. Get in contact with us through our contact page and get involved now! The need for Seattle Antifascist organizing has never been more urgent.

our guiding principles(or the Five Points of Unity):

  1. to defend marginalized communities from violence
  2. to wage a propaganda war in the streets to counter the Fascist Creep
  3. to educate white folx on the problematic of “whiteness”
  4. to promote anti-racism through anti-“whiteness”
  5. to promote marginalized communities with empowerment through direct action to win real-life gains at the expense of the White Supremacist base(“white” people) which has ultimately chosen the “fascist route” via Donald Trump