Our work sure is cut out for us.

But one thing is certain: with the election of Donald J. Trump, we have learned that “whites” are the problem. They overwhelmingly voted for Trump. If we stand any chance of ending oppression and winning equity and justice and communism, we have to smack some sense into “white” people. White people as an identity, as a principle by which they can organize an identity around and so on.

We don’t want to alienate whites in the way that perhaps the people around “Race Traitor” did in the 90’s, but we have to educate whites on why they should not and can not(if we ever want liberation) identify as “white.”

This all starts with education, moves on towards organization and finally ends with emancipation.

Let’s break it down:


  1. we’ve seen what group interest does in the hands of white folks. They elect a fascist like Donald Trump.
  2. whites have a uniquely oppressive quality to their identity.
  3. whites cannot assert themselves as a group without oppressing other groups- see points 1 and 2.
  4. we have to encourage the deconstruction of whites as a distinct category of human being.
  5. this must be done intellectually through educating them in rejecting their culture but also physically by desegregating white communities and fostering inter-ethnic relationships.

This is no small task, but our first priority is beating back the Fascist Creep. Fascism is a unique super-structural system in white society. Its tenets appear to be deep-seated in historical whiteness and therefore to attack fascism is a form of attacking whiteness itself. or at least the most virulent form of “whiteness.”